What a world…

There are many poisons out there in our world.  We live in a world where our water is contaminated both purposefully (fluoride) and accidentally (prescription drugs, various parasites and pathogens, runoff from chemicals, etc).  Our food is tampered with by companies playing god and making franken-foods that have been shown to cross the blood-brain barrier.  We are encouraged to inject fetus cells, heavy metals, glyphosate, formaldehyde, live and attenuated pathogens, animal cells, and even cancer cells in the name of health.  Heck, even the drugs used to “heal” us are all made from crude oil derivatives.  Yup, all over-the-counter and prescription drugs are made from products of crude oil.

While I encourage you to educate yourself, take necessary actions, and inform others of the above poisons, I want to let you know some other common toxins you may be exposing yourself and your family to without realizing the danger.

Some of these things have been marketed as healthy foods.  In fact, most of them are in foods purported to be healthy.


Poisonous Foods

1. Canola Oil

Canola oil is derived from the rapeseed, bred to have lower erucic acid.  A marketing campaign in the 1970’s worked to differentiate the canola oil from rapeseed oil (since it’s not the nicest name).  Canola oil is deodorized to lower the erucic acid.  This chemical processing makes all oils unfit for consumption, yet they are marketed for consumption.  Canola oil is used in many packaged foods, by restaurants and fast food chains, and by home cooks.

The dangers:

  • GMO
  • Depletes vitamin E
  • Increases lung cancer risk
  • Lowers platelet count
  • Increases triglycerides
  • May increase membrane rigidity (causing many degenerative diseases)
  • May cause coagulates in the blood
  • May promote weight gain
  • May increase the risk of heart disease
  • May dissolve the myelin sheath of nerves
  • May increase the risk of dementia
  • May cause memory loss

2. Glyphosate

Glyphosate is an herbicide used in almost all conventional farming to kill weeds.  Glyphosate interferes with the plants’ enzymatic production of certain amino acids.  It also binds vital nutrients like iron, manganese, zinc, and boron in the soil.  Glyphosate was patented in 1964 as a descaler for cleaning industrial pipes because it bonded to and dissolved minerals.  Honestly, if you aren’t eating organic or non-gmo verified foods, you are more than likely consuming glyphosate with every bite.  There is some worry that even organic and non-gmo foods are tainted because of the overspraying of glyphosate on conventional and GMO crops and cross contamination.  But that is a topic for another day…

The dangers:

  • GMO (GMO’s were designed to withstand copious spraying with glyphosate)
  • Crosses the blood-brain barrier
  • Disrupts the balance of the gut bacteria
  • May cause birth defects
  • Disrupts the endocrine system
  • Damages the DNA
  • Is a neurotoxin
  • Increases cancer risks
  • Damages the reproductive system and cycle
  • Can kill cells in the outer layer of the placenta
  • Increases risk of miscarriages and spontaneous abortions

3. Aspartame

Aspartame is a sugar substitute.  It is marketed under the brands Equal, NutraSweet, and Canderel.  Though it is frequently used as a diet food and as a sweetener for diabetics, studies have shown it doesn’t help with weight loss or diabetes and may cause more health issues.  In 1985, Monsanto, the company who was the first manufacturer of aspartame, formed NutraSweet.  Aspartame is found in many products.

The dangers:

  • GMO (yup, it is GMO too)
  • An excitotoxin
  • Can mimic MS symptoms and cause misdiagnosis
  • More reports to FDA of reactions than all other food additives combined (except Olestra)
  • A known neurotoxin (since 1967)
  • Increases weight gain
  • Can cause anxiety
  • Passes into breast milk
  • Causes headaches (including migraines)

4. Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)

Monosodium Glutamate is a flavor enhancer.  It is a sodium salt of glutemic acid.  Though you may know to request it be left out of your Chinese food, you may not realize how many products it is in (including organic products).  If it is a processed food, it probably has some form of MSG.  It is in almost all fast food to some degree.  Some common sources are soup bases and bullions, chips, canned goods, and the like.  Some hidden ways manufacturers get MSG into food are by labeling it something else like “natural flavors,” hydrolyzed protein, and isolated protein.  In fact, it is so commonly hidden, I recommend checking this link for the common ways MSG is sneakily labeled in foods.

The dangers:

  • Frequently GMO
  • A common vaccine ingredient
  • Possibly mutagenic
  • May cause developmental malformations
  • May damage the reproductive system
  • A neurotoxin
  • Attacks brain cells and breathing patterns
  • Causes allergic reactions

5. Food Colorings

Think that brightly colored treat is safe?  You may want to think again.  Food colorings are so common in our foods that more than 15 million pounds of them are added to American foods yearly.  They are in sodas, sweets, cereals, baked goods, many processed foods, gelatin desserts (like Jello brand), cosmetics, personal care products, and even drugs.

The dangers vary by the color:

  • Blue 1: may cause kidney tumors
  • Blue 2: may cause a rise in tumors, especially brain gliomas
  • Red 2: may cause urinary bladder and other organ cancers
  • Green 3: may increase bladder and testes tumors
  • Red 3: banned in cosmetics and externally applied drugs; a recognized thyroid carcinogen in animals
  • Red 40: may accelerate immune system tumors; causes hypersensitivity reactions; causes hyperactivity in children; most widely used and consumed dye
  • Yellow 5: can cause severe hypersensitivity reactions; may cause hyperactivity and behavioral problems in children
  • Yellow 6: may cause adrenal tumors; may cause hypersensitivity reactions

6. Bleach

Only for your clothing?  Nope, it is used on food too.  Either way, bleach is not a safe ingredient to eat or use in cleaning.  Curious why I don’t use bleach in any form in my house?  Read more in our article on Household Poisons: Cleaning Products.  Foods that are chemically bleached include table salt, white sugar, cow’s milk, refined flours, white breads and pastas, and margarine.

The dangers:

  • Corrodes epithelial layers (soft tissue) especially of the pancreas, bladder, and prostate
  • Increases cancer risk for pancreas, bladder, and prostate
  • If Potassium Bromate is used: it is a carcinogen and a nephrotoxin (poisons the kidneys).  It is banned from being used in foods in the European Union, Canada, Nigeria, Brazil, Peru, China, and Sri Lanka.
  • If Benzoyl Peroxide is used: it causes digestive system distress and inteferes with the natural breakdown of glucose.  It also intefers with the way linoleic (omega 6) and linolenic (omega 3) acids are used in the body.
  • If Azodicarbonamide is used: it is believed to cause asthma.  It is banned in Australia and the European Union.
  • If Calcium Peroxide is used: it may cause and increase the rate of asthma and allergic reactions.  It is banned in New Zealand, Australia, and the European Union.
  • If Chlorine Dioxide is used: it destroys vitamin E and has been shown to slow growth rates over multiple generations.  Though the FDA lists it as a toxic substance, it is not banned from use.


Ok, deep breath.  There are probably some of these you have been consuming and feeding to your family.  Now that you know better, you can do better.  You must educate yourself and read labels.  Remember, knowledge is power.


Please don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment if you need further assistance.

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Note: Everything here is for information only. This is not meant to treat or diagnose any medical condition. Seek a qualified medical professional.


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