How much do health and wellness cost?

This question came up recently with a few clients.  The best answer came from one of my lovely clients who said she heard an interview with Steve Harvey.  Yes, Steve Harvey.  His advice?  Everyone should spend 10% of their income on wellness.  Sure, it is easy for a celebrity like him to say that.  But is it really achievable by the majority of us?  I believe it is.  Not only is it achievable, but it should be everyone’s goal.  Imagine how much you could get done if your health and wellness were a priority.  How much more productive would you be?  How much more would you be able to enjoy your life if you felt great and were consciously working on just improving?

So what would that look like?  I am going to argue it is affordable for everyone.  Let’s break it down and consider a plan for someone who makes $30,000 annually.  At that rate, you’d be spending $3,000 on wellness.  What could you get during the year for that to help you improve your health and wellness?


  • $600 – Quarterly Health Consultations (90 minutes):  These make sure you are on track and have a program tailored specifically for you so you don’t waste money guessing what you should do.
  • $1200 – Products and Supplements:  Part of a good program is having the right supplements, herbs, remedies, oils, and the like to support your body.  This estimate assumes $100 a month, but this estimate can be higher or lower.
  • $780 – Monthly Reflexology, Energy Work, or Body Work:  Imagine knowing you have blocked time for yourself for energy or body work each month to help de-stress and support your body’s ability to relax and rejuvenate itself.  Even on a limited budget, it is doable.  If you make even $8,000 annually, you can afford this option at a minimum!


Guess what?  With all of that above, we aren’t even at $3,000.  There is money left over to include chiropractic care, acupuncture treatment, or other healthy additions.


It is doable on any budget!


Wellness is achievable by everyone.  It just has to become a priority to choose to invest in yourself.  I hope I have opened your eyes to the possibility.  Even if you just choose part of the above to start and only commit time and money to get monthly body or energy work, you will see amazing results in a year and will wonder why you ever waited so long for only a 2.6% investment of that $30,000 annual income.


Why wait even longer to invest in yourself?  Start working on your wellness program now!

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Note: Everything here is for information only. This is not meant to treat or diagnose any medical condition. Seek a qualified medical professional.


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